Introduction to Terraform

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The beginner's guide:

Terraform is an Infrastructure as Code platform developed by HashiCorp. This tool is cloud agonistic, that means we can use this tool for major cloud providers and and for many on premise products. In this tutorial, we will start everything from scratch and will deploy few resources in Azure using Terraform. We will also learn one of the most popular authentication mechanism from Terraform.

Working with Terraform Variables

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Using different variables:

In the Terraform introduction video we have used hard coded values, now in real world we will definitely be using Terraform variable. Let's get started.

Access manually created resources in Terraform

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Terraform Data Sources:

In this demo, we are going to learn about terraform data sources. There will be many situations where few resources are already present in any cloud provider and we may have to use those in order to deploy our new resources. Terraform data sources provides the path.

Getting started with Terraform on GCP

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Guide from scratch:

In this demo, we are going to start Terraform for Google Cloud Platform from scratch. We will be using GCP service account for Authentication mechanism from Terraform. Watch the full video for more.

Terraform loops & conditional checks

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If-else, for, foreach:

There will be many scenarios where we will need conditional checks like If-Else in Terraform, which might look different from regular programming languages. We will also create multiple resources using count, foreach & for loops in this demonstration.

Concepts of Terraform Module & Hands-on Practice

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Terraform Module:

The best way to learn any technology is to try yourself. Please checkout the full video & practice this. I hope you will have some idea how Terraform modules work & how to create them.

Terraform Remote Backend

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Remote backend vs. Local backend:

Till now we have learnt that terraform state file is super important & any corruption or problem with state file means your project is in trouble. So here comes, Terraform remote state, which will not mitigate the problem, also it will help you with portability.

Terraform Workspaces

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Using different Environments:

If you have similar deployments for different environments, you may use a single project code with different variable files with the help of Terraform Workspaces. Check this interesting concept now.

Introduction to Terraform Cloud

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Free Terraform Cloud:

Let's get started with Terraform Cloud by creating a free account. We will be also creating a GitHub account from scratch & will integrate them, so that, we can create pull requests (PR) and TF cloud will automatically show us the plan. Finally once we merge the PR, TF cloud will apply that. Check the full video for the hands-on.

Create Private Module in Terraform Cloud

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Versioned private module:

Once you have your TF Cloud account and GitHub ready, you can publish your own private module which will be versioned in Terraform Cloud. So, check the full video.

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